That’s the challenge academics and research students at BU have been set. Photography is a great way to capture and share a different side of your research with other students, staff and members of the public. The last few years have seen our students and staff submitting a wide range of images summing up their research.
Want to enter 2019’s competition?
Whether you’re in the early stages of your research or it has come to the end, we are inviting all academics and student researchers from across the university to showcase your research through an image relating to this year’s competition theme – Place. This could include:
- An image relating to the place your research was carried out
- Places that might be impacted by or benefit from your research
- The place that inspired your research
- Your own interpretation of the theme.
Whatever your idea is, we want you to get involved and get creative!
Here’s what you have to do:
Step 1: Take your photo
Each image will need to be 300pi (pixels per inch) with physical dimensions equivalent to an A3 size piece of paper (297 x 420 mm or 11.7 x 16.5 in). Images smaller than this tend not to have a high print quality.
Step 2: Submit the photo
You may enter only one photo per person. Once you have the perfect image, all you have to do is submit it by emailing [email protected] before the deadline, along with a 100 – 200 word description of your research behind the image.
The submission deadline has been extended until Thursday 31 January 2019 at 5pm. Late entries will not be accepted.
Students, staff and the general public will then be able to vote for their favourite image. The competition winners will be presented with a prize by Professor John Fletcher in the Atrium Gallery, in March 2019. All photographs will be presented in the Atrium Gallery for two weeks in March so you’ll get a chance to see all the entries.
Please read through the Terms & Conditions before entering.
If you're taking part in the Global Talent Programme you can gain credit towards your Global Talent Award with this activity. Find out more about the winners of the Research Photography Comptition 2018.