The 2017 SUBU Rep Celebration took place last Friday at The Old Fire Station to recognise the hard work done by Student Reps over the year.
The SUBU Outstanding Rep of the Year Award went to Georgina Markey who completed the ‘Collect It, Represent It, Share It’ Rep cycle for getting student feedback while showing the most development both personally and as a Student Rep this year.
Each faculty nominated their own Reps of the Year and Outstanding Rep of the Year for their hard work and dedication, and the SimOn Award went to BSc (Hons) Psychology for the second year, as the course deemed to have used SimOn - SUBU’s online tool for gathering student feedback - most effectively and with the most impact over the last year.
Kerry Dean, SUBU Representation Manager said: “The Celebration is a fantastic way to congratulate and say thank you to the Student Reps that have worked so hard this year. It’s a great opportunity to recognise individual achievements but also to say a big collective ‘well done’ to all the Reps. The Rep system at BU is the success that is it because of the amazing Student Reps.”
Jamie Swanson, SUBU’s Vice President for Education echoed Kerry’s comments, adding: “All of our reps have done fantastic work across the year to make a real difference to the student experience at BU – and it was great to celebrate all of their achievements!”
The full list of award winners:
SimOn Award:
BSc (Hons) Psychology
Faculty of Media & Communications Reps of the Year:
Oliver Tunmore
Polina Popel
Rebecca Wall
Toke Bull Hansen
Viktorija Sipilova
Outstanding Reps of the Year: Rebecca Wall and Viktorija Sipilova
Faculty of Management Reps of the Year:
Matt Holt
Rachel Elliot
Sam Hilton
Tshun Lai
Outstanding Reps of the Year: Matt Holt and Sam Hilton
Faculty of Science & Technology Reps of the Year:
Declan Callahan
Emily Barker
Ellen Williamson
Matt Stinson
Megan Kirkby
Mitchell Gatting
Outstanding Rep of the Year: Emily Barker
Faculty of Health & Social Sciences Reps of the Year:
Bryony Bratchell
Eleanor Townend
Rosy Watts
Scott Bruce
Outstanding Rep of the Year: Rosy Watts
SUBU Reps of the Year:
Ashleigh Weldon
Georgina Markey
Jack Allen
Jay Cadman
Scott Bruce
SUBU Outstanding Rep of the Year: Georgina Markey
If you would like the chance to be elected to be a Rep for your cohort, talk to your lecturer or seminar leader during the first few weeks of term.
Find out more on the SUBU website.