The fifth edition of the Bournemouth Research Chronicle (BRC) is now available. This year’s edition focuses on interdisciplinary research taking place at Bournemouth University (BU).
The issues facing our society and the world are becoming increasingly complex, requiring solutions that work across disciplines, taking the best thinking and knowledge from a range of subject areas. Bournemouth University encourages academics to break down barriers and take an interdisciplinary approach to their research to create innovative ideas and solutions.
This year’s Bournemouth Research Chronicle (BRC) is a celebration of the interdisciplinary research taking place at BU. By connecting experts in different fields, the aim is to develop novel approaches and innovative schools of thought that can be applied to complex problems. By taking a holistic view of an issue, more rounded solutions can be developed than would have been possible if a societal challenge was examined through the lens of just one discipline.
The new perspectives developed through interdisciplinary research not only help to give a better understanding of some of the complex problems facing our society, but also help to inform both the teaching and professional practice undertaken by BU academics.
Inside this year’s BRC, you can read about BU researchers who are working to make a difference to the world around them. Academics in the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences are working to improve orthopaedic practices, while others in the Faculty of Science and Technology are developing reliable sources of renewable energy.
Meanwhile, academics in the Faculty of Media and Communication have been working with a local college for young disabled people to develop the award winning SHIVA project, which enables children with physical disabilities to design and print their own 3D models. In the Faculty of Management, researchers have been looking at the effects of terrorism on tourism – a very topical issue.
The BRC illustrates how Bournemouth University’s researchers are collaborating and working across subject areas to develop interdisciplinary research projects that are making a real difference to the world.