Last night on the 5th floor of the Student Centre, Deputy Vice Chancellor Professor Tim MacIntyre-Bhatty and Head of CEL, Professor Gail Thomas hosted an awards evening for student winners of the co-creation competition.
Co-creation is at the heart of what we do at BU – students, researchers and often industry working together, learning from each other and producing high quality academic work with societal impact. These awards from the Centre for Excellence in Learning support exceptional projects that reflect these values.
Of the 15 winners who all received a certificate and cheque for £500 to further their research, 14 were able to attend the ceremony. Each winner gave a short speech on their project and these ranged widely from a robot deploying landing capsule to turning slacktivists into donors to creating CPD events for paramedics and to assessing how different footwear can affect the tibia bone.
All of the the projects sounded fantastic. The enthusiasm of the winners was very evident.
We wish the winners all the best in their projects and look forward to hearing the outcomes.
To find out more about the Fusion Learning, Innovation and Excellence, the successor to the Centre for Excellence in Learning visit the website or follow @FLIE_bu on Twitter.