PhD Studentship - Multi-modal foundation models

We are seeking talented and enthusiastic candidates to join the EU-funded PRESERVE project, under the direction of the Principal Investigator, Prof Hamid Bouchachia, working towards the development of machine learning, data mining, and AI methods with the application in Computer Vision (video and image processing), Speech Recognition (audio) and Natural Language Processing (text). The position will be suitable for any profile in computer science, engineering, mathematics, statistics or from other science disciplines with knowledge in machine learning and AI (specifically foundation models, deep learning architectures, federated learning, data/model fusion) and essential knowledge about ML frameworks and pipelines as well as computer systems.

The successful candidate will need to be knowledgeable in one of the listed areas and will investigate and develop scalable and privacy-guaranteed novelty detection, clustering and classification. The focus is mostly on foundation models that involve multiple modalities of data (text, video, audio, image), where transferability and robustness of such foundation models are key questions. Other elements of foundation models such as transparency and reasoning are also of relevance too. However, the exact boundary of the research work for this position will be limited to one of the listed aspects based on the background of the candidate in a way for them to contribute to the delivery of the project by conducting relevant research that leads to publishable outputs and exploitable results.

There are two studentships available for this project and the details of the individual projects will be developed with the successful candidate in order to maximise development of their existing strengths and research interests.

This is a fully-funded PhD studentship which includes a stipend of £18,622 each year to support your living costs. 

Key information

Next start date:

September 2024


Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus


36 months

Entry requirements:

Outstanding academic potential as measured normally by either a 1st class honours degree or equivalent Grade Point Average (GPA), or a Master’s degree with distinction or equivalent. If English is not your first language you'll need IELTS (Academic) score of 6.5 minimum (with a minimum 6.0 in each component, or equivalent). For more information check out our full entry requirements