How to access services and support

SUBU Advice is a team of friendly advisers who can help with advice and support about housing, money, academic, consumer, employment or personal issues. The service is free to all BU students and provides independent, non-judgemental and confidential advice. 

Contact us for a confidential chat:

You can find us on the second floor of the Student Centre on Talbot Campus and room 301c at Bournemouth Gateway Building, Lansdowne Campus.


Drop in service

We offer drop-in sessions on: 

  • Monday to Friday, 11am - 12pm at Talbot Campus
  • Thursday, 8.30am - 12pm at Landowne Campus.


Book an appointment

​​You can book an appointment from Monday to Friday, between 10am - 4pm, at both campuses:

Complete the registration form before your appointment.