Executive summary
Transition, Resilience, Authentic leadership, Commitment, Support: Making TRACS for retention – Testing a universal, evidence-based model for improving nurse retention Final report
To provide more information about the full project, we have included the executive summary written for the end report that was provided to the funders (Burdett Trust for Nursing) of this project.
Download the summary (pdf 405kb)
This video captures moments from the project's dissemination conference (Improving Nurse Retention Conference 2019), background of what this project was about, what we did, and some of our initial findings. Multiple viewpoints of those engaged with the project are shared in discussing the impact of nurse retention and how this project has helped provide a pathway to improving nurse retention.
Infographic: helping nurses stay
This was created and designed to present key themes from our research in what helps nurses stay in the profession.
Download the infographic (pdf 102kb)
A web-based resource created and designed with registered nurses. This was implemented within RBCH Trust and subsequently evaluated on its impact.
Closing the gap on nurse retention: A scoping review of implications for undergraduate education
Peer-reviewed paper published within Nurse Education Today. This scoping review explores the current literature which explores the topic of post-gradaute retention in relation to undergraduate education. Here is a link to the full text:
Conference presentations
Wessex Nursing Research Forum Bournemouth Hospital, Sept 2017; Why do nurses leave or stay? Testing a universal evidence-based model for improving nurse retention
Phi Mu Chapter, Sigma Nursing Honours Society (all-England chapter), Feb 2018; Where have all the nurses gone? Exploring the evidence around nurse retention: the TRACS model
NETNEP 2018, Banff, Canada; Why do nurses leave or stay? Nurse retention - a global issue
Nursing in Dorset Conference, Kingston Maurward College, Dorchester, May 2019; Why do nurses leave or stay? A collaborative project focused on improving nurse retention
Improving Nurse Retention Conference 2019, Bournemouth University
NET2019, Keele University; Support4Nurses:NHS Acute Hospital Trust and Local University Partnership to Improve the Retention of Registered Nurses
Sigma Biennial Convention (2019), Washington D.C., United States; The TRACS project: A mixed method study exploring a universal model for improving nurse retention
RCN Dorset Branch Study Day 2019, November 2019