Dr Mel Hughes, Deputy Lead for the Research Centre for Seldom Heard Voices and the PIER partnership were awarded £3,000 by the Dorset Community Investment Fund to make some short films or digital stories which reflect the patient or service user experience. Expressions of interest were invited from academics wishing to co-create a film or digital story. The panel received 25 suggestions and 12 fully developed proposals. A PIER partnership panel has selected the following six projects:
Digital story on homelessness (Lee-Ann Fenge, Professor of Social Care)
The aim of this digital story is to capture the experience of one young homeless person who has previously been part of the Seldom Heard Voices research project. This will develop insights into the lived experience of being without secure accommodation and the complex exclusions that individuals can encounter.
Digital story on the experiences of being in care and the messages for service providers (Maggie Hutchings, Associate Professor)
The digital story will draw on evidence from the research project on ‘Transitions to Success: building bridges for education and wellbeing of ‘cared for’ children and young people’. The storyboard will include themes around Growing up, Being in care and Transitions to adulthood based on listening to the voices of care leavers. The story will represent an amalgam of care experienced voices around each of these themes and transitions.
Short film showing the experience of having an enteral feeding tube (Sue Green, Lecturer in Adult nursing)
An enteral feeding tube is a medical device which is used to provide nutrition to people who cannot obtain nutrition by mouth, are unable to swallow safely, or need nutritional supplementation. Many people living at home have a tube long-term and the use of the tubes is increasing. One patient will show how she manages with the tube day to day. A national support group based locally will contribute.
Digital story on End of Life Experiences from a Carer’s Perspective (Margarete Parrish, Senior lecturer in social work)
The digital story is given from a carer’s perspective following the progress of her husband’s prolonged degenerative disease (Parkinsons), which had its onset in his early fifties. The digital story will present the chronological process of going from living independently of social services, to entering the realm of professional intervention in its various forms, through to institutional end-of-life care in a nursing home.
Short film on Transforming health through lifestyle change (Dr Emer Forde, GP Programme Director)
To promote the message to GPs that people can transform their health through lifestyle changes – and should be encouraged to do so rather than relying on prescription medication. The film will provide success stories to motivate doctors to keep going, and keep talking to patients about diet, exercise, smoking and drinking.
Short film on Understanding self-management for people with a long term neurological condition (Louise Fazakarley, Senior lecturer in Physiotherapy)
Services users with neurological conditions for example (Parkinson’s disease (PD), traumatic brain injury (TBI) and Multiple Sclerosis(MS) will explain a range of complex movement challenges and physical symptoms, for example tremor, festinating gait, problems with muscle tone as well as invisible symptoms such as fatigue and cognitive and behavioural difficulties. They will show how these affect each person and how the symptoms can be managed.
All the projects will be completed by the end of June and with a launch event due to be held in July. For further information, please contact Dr Mel Hughes.