In October, we invited all students and staff to share their thoughts and feedback with us around the university’s Travel Plan, to help shape the refreshed plan which we will launch later this year. Thank you to everyone who took the time to feedback their thoughts, either at the drop-in events or via the online survey. We have reviewed all the comments and feedback you gave and we would like to share the main themes with you.
We presented nine potential objectives for the travel plan, which included minimising BU’s carbon footprint and maximising opportunities for sustainable travel. All of these were supported by respondents and so we will use these to formulate the final objectives for the Travel Plan.
The existing parking situation at BU, combined with the projected rise in parking demand following future planned increases to student and staff numbers, means that achieving a balance between parking demand and supply will need to be a clear focus of the plan. Respondents agreed with the majority of principles set out to shape parking policy going forwards, but thought that policy should also be based on an obligation for BU to provide parking for students, staff and visitors.
Respondents favoured a policy-based approach to addressing potential shortfalls in parking, rather than increasing parking supply. This could begin with better management and enforcement of existing policies, with new policies implemented if necessary.
There was also support for the implementation of incentives to encourage full time permit holders to park less frequently. This could include more ‘occasional use’ permits. Those people who do not drive expressed support for a range of measures that would make their journey easier or more attractive, with cheaper Unibus travel gaining the most support.
We are currently working on the draft Travel Plan and we will share this with you in March.