Top SportBU scholar Noorin Gulam has achieved a British weightlifting record. Noorin held a 88 kilogram lift to break the British under-23 weightlifting record that has been held by Olympian Zoe Smith since 2008.
The Bournemouth University student, who lifts in the 53 kilogram class, also broke the British Junior record with her lift, which is 1 and a half times her body weight.
Noorin managed to make five out of her six lifts during the competition bringing home a personal best total and the ‘Clean and Jerk’ national record.
Her coach, Stuart Martin, said, “Everything came together on the day and neither of us were in doubt that she would hit this as a goal for the season. I am very proud that she came through a difficult year to achieve this goal.”
Noorin, who is in the second year of her Sports Psychology and Coaching Science degree at Bournemouth University, had been training 20 hours per week in the run up to the event. The record-breaking lift took place during the Central Open British weightlifting competition, hosted in Mansfield. The goal of the competition was to secure qualification for the English Championships.