As a lecturer in psychology at Bournemouth University, I have a wealth of interests and expertise which span across the field of psychology. With a background in sport and exercise psychology, one of my main research interests is in exploring the psychosocial impact of exercising with chronic conditions. With a particular interest in presenting the lived experience of exercising with epilepsy, my PhD explored the narratives of the sportsperson with epilepsy over time. Publishing the first qualitative research on this topic, it is my desire to further this research and find ways to increase physical activity levels for people with epilepsy and develop coping mechanisms to aid the disruption that epilepsy can have upon an individual’s identity, self-confidence, and overall quality of life. I am a passionate qualitative researcher and am interested in using qualitative methods to present the lived experiences of individuals who may not always be heard within society. I would be happy to supervise PhD students who are interested in using qualitative methods within my area of expertise.


My main research interests:

1) Exploring the psychosocial impact of exercising with epilepsy over time 2) The adaptation methods used by people with epilepsy to exercise safely and confidently 3) The impact of social support on increasing physical activity levels for people with epilepsy 4) Stigma in relation to invisible and visible disabilities, particularly within the workplace and within an exercise environment.

