Journal articles
Gelling, L.H., Ersser, S.J., Heaslip, V., Trenoweth, S. and Tait, D., 2021. Ethical conduct of nursing research. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30 (23-34), e69-e71.
Griffith, S. and Gelling, L., 2021. How do hospice nurses prepare to give end-of-life care? A grounded theory study of nurses in one UK hospice. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 27 (7), 334-350.
Gelling, L., Ersser, S., Heaslip, V., Tait, D. and Trenoweth, S., 2021. Ethical conduct of nursing research. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 30 (23-24), e69-e71.
Kearney, N., 2012. Let patients drive the research. Nurse Res, 19 (3), 46.
Traynor, M., 2013. Publishing can inspire research. Interview by Leslie Gelling. Nurse Res, 20 (5), 45.
Gelling, L. and Cooke, M., 2002. The role of RCN interest groups in local decisions. In: Young, A. and Cooke, M., eds. Managing and implementing decisions in health care. London, UK: Harcourt Health Sciences.
Gelling, L., 2007. Legal issues and young people's health. In: DeBell, D. and Jackson, P., eds. Public health practice and the school age population. London, UK: Hodder Arnold.
Gelling, L., 2010. Gaining access to the research site. In: Gerrish, K. and Lacey, A., eds. The Research Process in Nursing. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 114-128.
Gelling, L., 2015. Gaining access to the research site. In: Gerrish, K. and Lathlean, J., eds. The Research Process in Nursing. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 143-158.
Negoescu, A.F., Gelling, L. and ÖstÖr, A.J.K., 2016. Participant information sheets in clinical research: Compromising the ethics of informed consent? Biologics in Rheumatology: New Developments, Clinical Uses and Health Implication. 495-499.
Gelling, L., 2000. Psychosis in ICU. In: Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthetists Autumn Conference 2000 Lake District, UK.
Gelling, L., 2002. Informed consent to research: the unconscious patient. In: The Institute of Clinical Research 23rd Spring Conference 2002 Birmingham, UK.
Gelling, L., 2004. Consent in research: the role of nurses. In: NHS Research and Development Forum and The Institute of Clinical Research Joint Conference 2004 London, UK.
Gelling, L., 2008. Competency Framework for Clinical Research Nurses. In: UK Diabetes Research Network Research Nurse Training and Education Symposium 2008 Cambridge, UK.
Gelling, L., 2010. Should experienced research nurses be authorised to take informed consent for clinical trial participation involving clinical trial investigational medicinal products? In: Institute of Clinical Research Annual Spring Meeting 2010 London, UK.
Outreach & engagement
External responsibilities
- Oxford Brookes University, External Examiner, Prof Doctorate in Nursing (2017)
- Journal of Clinical Nursing, Editor (2014)
- Cambridge South Research Ethics Committee, Chair (2007)
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