Physically challenge yourself in this fast-paced duel of the minds and blades.

Swash buckle your way through six weeks of modern sabre wielding, suitable for any ability. It is lots of fun plus learning a new skill. We provide the equipment and you even get a brilliant all-round workout in the process.

And you won’t have to go far, with the weekly classes taking place in our air-conditioned fitness studio on Talbot Campus.

Bookings and trials links:

£5 per session!
Based on an annual course payment of £115 (23 weeks)
£7 per session!
Based on a termly course payment of £63 (9 weeks)

Key information

Time and venue

w/c 16 October - 11 December (term 1) 
and w/c 22 January - w/c 18 March (term 2) 
and w/c 15 April - w/c 13 May (term 3)

Days and times: Monday 7:30-8:30pm 

Where: Studio 1, SportBU
Instructors: Elspeth 
What to wear: Suitable sporting attire 
Book viaWebsite


Termly: £63 termly (9 weeks)
Annually: £84 annually (14 weeks - Spring and Summer Term)

Book now

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