Choosing the right university

Finding the perfect course

With over 100 courses to choose from across 17 subject areas, we’ll have a wide variety of exciting degrees open for Clearing. But while we’d love for you to join us this September, we recommend you shop around and make a shortlist of options across other unis too so you can make the best decision for you. To help you decide, register for our Priority Clearing service to plan ahead and receive support from our advisers.

Sign up for Priority Clearing

Location, location, location

From cosy corners in cafes to the wide-open spaces of the Jurassic Coast, Bournemouth and the surrounding area has something for everyone, including a vibrant nightlife and a great variety of big-name and independent restaurants and bars. Our famous beach is just a short walk from our Lansdowne Campus too, where you’ll find the majority of our halls of residence – with an accommodation guarantee for Clearing applicants*.

View accommodation options

World-class facilities

We’ve invested in our buildings and facilities to make sure you can have access to modern, industry-standard equipment and learning environments. That ranges from multi-camera TV studios, to crime scene, forensic, and sport performance labs, to hospital simulation suites. These are all part of campuses that have sustainability at their heart – we’ve been EcoCampus Platinum award holders since 2016.

Explore our campuses

The BU experience

We have a motto at BU, ‘To learn is to change’. That’s because we believe education can change the world – in big ways that change it for everyone, and smaller ways that change it for you. However big the difference you want to make, we can help you make it, with opportunities alongside your studies across placements, research, career development, and other extracurricular initiatives. 

Discover what it's like to study at BU

*Terms and conditions might apply.

What is Clearing and how does it work?

Making your Clearing decision

Get Priority Clearing access

All applicants are our priority, but by registering now, you can get ahead in your Clearing journey:

  • Priority callback: If you register for Priority Clearing and provide your phone number, an adviser will call you to discuss your options when our Clearing helpline opens on Thursday 4 July
  • Regular email updates: Receive updates with advice and guidance on how to prepare for Results Day
  • Results day SMS: We’ll send you a text on A-level results day morning with a list of BU courses available in Clearing.

Sign up for Priority Clearing access

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