Prof Nan Jiang is the Head of Computing and Informatics and Professor in Human Computer Interaction. He joined BU as a Lecturer in 2010. Prior to this, Nan was an Open Distance Learning (ODL) tutor at Queen Mary, University of London, where he also received his PhD in Web Usability and MSc in Advanced Methods.

Nan has 10+years of full stack web development experience as a freelance technical consultant and technical writer. He is specialised in web/mobile app architectural and interface design but he also provides technical support on backend development.

He has provided consultancy for many companies and organisations through a number of national and international industrial and research projects including European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), European Commission Horizon 2020 (H2020), Higher Education Innovation Funding (HEIF) and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Nan was also a public invited expert for W3C HTML Working Group for HTML 5 standardisation and he is still a member of W3C China.

Nan mainly teaches Human Centred Design (HCD) and web development. He has extensive teaching experience. In the past, he worked as PG Programme Leader leading two MSc programmes and 60-credit Undergraduate Project Coordinator managing over 800 students between 2013 and 2018.


Prof Jiang's primary research field is Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and his research focus lies on data driven usability evaluation methods.

Recently, he is working in the field of digital health trying to understanding how interactions should be designed for supporting the transformation of health services on personal mobile devices.

Nan founded BUCHI, Bournemouth University Human Computer Interaction research group in 2012 with two of his colleagues, Dr Huseyin Dogan and Dr Shamal Faily (DSTL). The group contributed 18% UoA 11 submissions and 1 impact case study in REF 2021.

He graduated 6 PhD students and he is welcoming any HCI related PhD applications.

Nan has been an active reviewer for top research conferences and journals as well as UKRI research councils.



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